Stephen Foster youth's golden gleam - online book

His Life And Background In Cincinnati 1846 - 1850 by Raymond Walters

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90              Youth's Golden Gleam
or borrowed the music plates from the Phila­delphia publisher and corrected the first initial of Stephen's name for this second edi­tion.* It was doubtless Peters who arranged for the Peters & Field advertisement in the Gazetteu announcing "a beautiful Song, Music by S. C. Foster, Esq.," at the same time call­ing it to the attention of W. D. Gallagher, who prepared the newspaper's music as well as literary items.
So there came a heavenly morning for the clerk and bookkeeper of Irwin & Foster, the tenth of June 1847, when the Gazette's edi­torial page transmitted a Jovian nod of recog­nition from the great Gallagher. Not with the usual New Music caption but under the column headed THE CITY appeared this item:
"Open Tby Lattice, Love''—This is the title of a sweet little melody for the Piano, just published by Mr. S. C. Foster, whose spirited air of "A Good Time Coming,"f published
* The copy of the Peters edition in the Foster Hall Collection (only known copy extant) reveals that the music plates seem iden­tical with the Willig edition; that W. C. Peters is given as the publisher and the firms of Peters & Webster, Louisville, and Peters & Field, Cincinnati, as co-publishers; that the original copyright line is omitted; that the plate numbers 1116 are added to both pages; and that, most important to Stephen, his name is printed correctly.
| The item indicates that "There's a Good Time Coming," copyrighted by W. C. Peters in 1846, may also have been brought out by Peters in a second edition in 1847; there was, however, no local newspaper reference to this "spirited air" prior to the item of June 10.